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How diversity in data became what we live and breath


From humble beginnings.

Word On The Curb was first formed when two content creators, Ndu and Hayel, met at university and both had a passion for creating content that would document what we, and so many others, were feeling and experiencing.

Together they formed a YouTube channel that quickly became the go-to for youth voices.

We reached over 40 million

In 2014, we released a short-film that explored the failings in the educational system around black history.

This clearly struck a chord going viral around the world with over 40 million eyeballs glued to our video. This is when we knew that our authentic approach was onto something.

Making waves nationally

After being awarded Points of Light Award in 2015, Channel 4 approached us to get more young people to their news programme. 


We soon realised this was a pain-point for a huge number of major brands who wanted to create content for a youth demographic but struggled to get engagement. That's where we stepped in.

After being awarded Points of Light Award in 2015, Channel 4 approached us to get more young people to their news programme. 


We soon realised this was a pain-point for a huge number of major brands who wanted to create content for a youth demographic but struggled to get engagement. That's where we stepped in.

Where we are now.


Want some research done? Some strategic direction? A creative execution? Or maybe you just want to get the convo going. We’re here, so give us a shout.

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